Office Locations
Primary phone number: (248) 293-3368
Please call us with your health or insurance questions, or to schedule an appointment. When calling for an appointment, please be prepared to provide the patient's name, address, phone number, birth date, type of insurance, reason for appointment, and referring physician, if applicable.
UnaSource Bldg.
4600 Investment Dr.
Suite 290
Troy, MI 48098
Phone: (248) 267-5010
Fax: (248) 267-5011

Rochester Hills
WellPointe Medical Bldg.
1701 South Blvd. East
Suite 320
Rochester Hills, MI 48307
Phone: (248) 293-3345
Fax: (248) 293-3368

24623 Greenfield Road
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: (248) 557-9010
Fax: (248) 557-3655

Park Medical Offices
26850 Providence Parkway
Suite 325
Novi, MI 48375
Phone: (248) 348-9000
Fax: (248) 348-0622

Lexus Professional Bldg.
44200 Woodward Ave.
Suite 209
Pontiac, MI 48341
Phone: (248) 253-0330
Fax: (248) 253-1982

McLaren Health Village
5701 Bow Pointe Dr.
Suite 220
Clarkston, MI 48346
Phone: (248) 620-4000
Fax: (248) 620-4776

Sterling Heights
5280 Metro Parkway
Sterling Heights, MI 48310
Phone: (586) 722-7519
Fax: (586) 722-7660

5280 Metro Parkway
Sterling Heights, MI 48310
Phone:(248) 290-3111
Fax:(248) 290-3100

Silver Pine - Satellite Office
13860 Canal Road
Suite 100
Sterling Heights, MI 48313
Phone: (248) 267-5010
Howell - Satellite Office
1225 S. Latson Rd.
Suite 320
Howell, MI 48843
Phone: (248) 557-9010
Warren - Satellite Office
13430 E. Thirteen Mile Rd.
Suite 400
Warren, MI 48088
Phone: (586) 722-7519
Crittenton Medical Office - Satellite
Crittenton Medical Office Building “I”
Suite 310
1135 W. University
Rochester Hills, MI 48037
Phone: (248) 253-0330
Clinton Township - Satellite Office
43555 Dalcoma Dr.
Suite 1
Clinton Township, MI 48038
Phone: (586) 722-7519